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      ISIS Is the the Crisis– The enemy within!

      • English
      • 3415 قراءة
      • 0 تعليق
      • 09:57 - 20 أغسطس, 2014

      Praise be to Allah swt and utmost blessings on his messenger PBUH

      There is no doubt that one of the most important and catastrophic parts of the Muslim’s recent history, is now being written in Iraq and Syria, and almost elsewhere throughout the Islamic world; Gaza, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, and Central Africa are just examples. The rise of what is called “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”, known as ISIS, is one of the main contributors to that sad status.

      Muslims have been attacked in their own land and killed by the Western Forces, led by the USA, in the last three decades, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen in particular. The announced reason was to bring “democracy” to those “primitive” parts of the world! However, the West have sided with militant government and dictatorship of Al-sisi, of Egypt, after he killed over 10,000 people and imprisoned over 50,000 Egyptians. This is how the West perceives “democracy” in the Muslim world.

      It is obvious that this complete and utter biased behavior, and the constant hatred against Muslims in some parts of the Western World, add to that, the constant, unjust and absolute stand beside Israel, is the other side of the coin, which the West was using to sell its policy in the Middle East. It brought its forbidden fruit of reciprocal hatred of the USA in that part of the world.

      However, it is not the West to be the first to blame for the chaotic and unstable situation in that part of the world. It is the treason “Muslim” governments and their submission to the Western agenda, is the first and main reason for what the Arab world is going through now.

      Having said that, the behavior of the submissive rulers, combined with the complete biased, double standards and two-faced policies of the West, the Muslim youths have found the best solution in fight; fighting the corrupt rulers and puppets of the West in their own land. Massacres, ordered and led by Bashar Al-asad in Syria, Al-Malki in Iraq, followed now by Al-Sisi in Egypt, and armed by Western countries, are just examples of what those people were facing.

      Two streams have been generated during the process that evolved after the fall of what was called “the Arab Spring”, the extremists, and the Moderates. The extremists have adopted creed that have been known in the history of Islamic sects by “Khawarij”. They adopt a policy of “burned ground”, for all people that do not submit to their extreme ideas, no matter what their religion is. They have massacred thousands of Sunni Muslims, who did not submit to their creed, in Syria in particular, as their lunatic leader Ibrahim Awad is from Iraq.

      The Creed of those “Khawarij”[1] is, in brief, to consider some actions, of their choice, as “Kufr” or Blasphemy. They execute those whom they see committing such actions on the spot, in the worst and most inhumane way possible. The pictures of the slaughtered Muslims are beyond what any human can imagine, and cruel beyond any human can fathom.

      They have committed such atrocities under the name of Islam, where Islam is completely innocent and distant from such atrocities. It is not acceptable in Islam to practice such barbaric rituals, in killing the enemy, even if they are of the disbelievers. Of course, every country has enemies, and every people have killed many of their “enemies”. The natives in North America are perfect example of that. However, Islam does not condone such atrocities. Fair fight, and killing in War is one thing, and such brutal and murderous slaughtering of what they perceived as “Murtad”; or converted away from Islam, is not part of Islam. They have judged the people, convicted them, sentenced them, and executed them, all by the same judge.

      Islamic Law has its own punishment for those who commit the ultimate treason, like in any other law on earth, which is death. The difference is that in the Man-made laws, treason is only committed against the state. In Islam, it is considered treason if it is made against religion. Different ideologies lead to different paths, but to the same conclusion; death penalty to traitors.

      But in Islam, the process of proving treason is very precise and complicated. It was said in the Islamic Guide is “to let a thousand traitors live better than killing one innocent”. And this goes for any human of any religion. Details are beyond the scope of this article.

      Islam is merciful to every human, who lives peacefully and in sync with other nations. ISIS is not.

      However, The west have given ISIS the blind eye, since they started their campaign to kill their fellow Muslims in Syria, as ISIS was and still is, making a big favor to the Western military. Those ISIS criminals have killed and slaughtered thousands of Sunni Muslims, without a whisper from the US! However, when their allies in the Kurds territory, in Northern Iraq, were attacked by ISIS, the US started its “humanitarian” role; typical hypocrisy.

      ISIS is the crisis in the Muslim region, at this stage of its fight against aggressors of all kinds.

      This article is meant to those Muslims in the West, who might be fooled by the advances made by ISIS, not to be naïve, and superficial in adopting or even sympathizing with that group. The right to fight the aggressors of all kinds is preserved to all nations. However, this is not fighting against aggressors what they do. It is fight against their people, and against humanity. Complying with the right creed is the way of salvage, not going under any flag that has Islam on it.

      [1] Details of the creed of ISIS and Sinni stand in that matter, is to be found in Arabic under this section link http://www.tariqabdelhaleem.net/new/ArticalList-131